Friday, May 20, 2011

Bircher Muesli

This week has been a little rough. Nothing really flowed easily, and I have been afraid to write my blog, not knowing what was going to flow from my subconscious. Sometimes it is much easier not to connect to things. I did make it through the week though. By myself, but not alone.

When my bread didn't rise, my cooking partner took most of the blame. When I was feeling a little low, my housemates cooked me a dinner party. When I hit rock bottom, my mum sent me my teddy bear in the mail. Its so lovely to be supported, and know that someone (or lots of someones) have our back.

The real reason I haven't written a blog though is because I wanted to get a message across to someone, and I couldn't quite find the right words. I couldn't quite voice everything I wanted to say with only a mere 26 letters. I'm sure they know what I want to say, I've spent the last two years of my life trying to express it in every way possible. You know who you are....... thank you dearest, and goodbye.

This recipe is for my best friend, because its one of his favourites.

Bircher Muesli:

You will need:
  • 1kg Natural Muesli
  • 1kg Vanilla Yoghurt
  • 1tsp vanilla essence
  • 1lt skinny milk (to keep us skinny)
  • 150g honey
  • 3 grated green apples
  • 1 and a half tsp lime juice
  • 1 zest of lime
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger (grated finely)
What to do:
  1. Mix it all together the day before you want to serve it.
  2. Cover and keep in the fridge.
  3. Serve with fresh berries or poached fruit.
Enjoy it lovelies.......


  1. Oh my goodness, I have been unhappy with my Bircher since I've started making it, because all the recipies I've found use apple or orange juice and its always too citrusy for me!!! And here you are, calmly suggesting milk as if it was the most obvious thing in the world!!

    Thankyou! You have solved weeks of frustration.

  2. thank you love. i'll make it for beakfast tomorrow and think of you. never forget that i'll always belive in you.
    you know who i am xo ;)
