Sunday, March 20, 2011

Creme Patissiere

Today with two glasses of wine and a simmering pot of jam i realised what was really going on in my life. I haven't been dealing with any of my emotions in the last three months in an attempt to be strong. I have done everything I can to distract myself from what was really going on. I have felt hard and dry and emotionless. I haven't felt a thing.

But strawberry jam always brings out my feelings. I don't know how many pots of simmering jam I have cried over. There is something about standing and stirring and watching things boil down. The fruit thickens into something potent and you cant help but really get to the substance of what is going on in your life.

I have been so trivial lately. So careless, but this is not how I feel. I feel like for the first time in a very long time I stumbled upon some happiness. Something quite beautiful. But as happiness always is, it was fleeting. One week or two. You realise how lovely life can be, you get to experience this wonderful feeling, and then when it is torn from you it hurts.

So now I am left with jam. So much beautiful strawberry jam, and a raw heart. I can go either of two ways. I can feel it. I can feel it so hard, but I fear this would be my undoing. Or I can just partake in life. I can be the serialised jar that holds the jam. Not the fruit, not the substance. Just the jar, that has been heated to such a temperature that it is clean of everything. No feelings....good or bad. I have no idea what I will pick.

Here is a recipe for you today (0n a slightly less serious note). Its a creme patissiere (which is a bit like custard, but so so so much yummier. ) You can serve it with deserts or use it as a tart filling. I myself usually hate custard, but love love love this!!

Creme Patissiere

What you will need:
  • 250ml of milk
  • 1ml vanilla essence
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 60g sugar
  • 20g cornflour
  • 12g butter
What to do:
  1. Heat milk and vanilla
  2. Whisk together yolks and sugar
  3. Gradually add cornflour to milk
  4. Return to the pot
  5. Bring to the boil slowly
  6. Add butter
  7. Cook for a few minutes
  8. Strain
  9. Cover and put in fridge to cool

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