So that was my birthday. It was truly glorious! I feel so incredibly blessed. The whole day was perfect. I work up extremely early, because I was too excited to sleep and tore open the presents my parents had sent me in the mail. I went to my favourite coffee shop, I flirted with my favourite coffee maker, I woke a pretty dress, I saw all my favourite people, I had lots of calls, I took a nap, I read a really good book, and I kissed a boy. All in all a perfect day.
All my friends came down to the park and we had a huge picnic. I hung flags up between the trees and had little hearts on ribbons draped over all the branches. We all sat on lace table clothes and drank cider, and ate home baked treats.
One of the most exciting things of the day of course was the amazing present my friends got me. Everyone chipped in and bought a beautiful cream kitchen aid. If you don't know what this is, look it up.........or I may have to break all ties with you. This is something I have been wanting for years. I remember walking down the street on a date, and stopping the boy to peer into a window at one. "Thats beautiful" I sighed. I think he thought I was a wee bit strange.
Its so very lovely, but what I appreciated even more than the amazing present, was the fact that my lovely friends, knew what I loved, and went to the effort to organise it for me. I have always been one to read a lot into presents. In life there have been years of "oh my, do they really think I'm the sort of girl who wears a shirt with skulls on it?" So it was really beautiful to feel like my friends, who I love so dearly, really do understand me on a core level. Other people also gave me some lovely presents, where I just felt so understood. One of my best friends gave me a boy of flours.............which was so lovely. It was filled with specialty flour for making pasta, saffron, and dried herbs. Another girl simply gave me a lemon, some tonic water and a little bottle of gin...........I was like "I think that pretty much sums up a lot" My best friend back home sent me some money and wrote in a card "buy yourself a new baking tray, and use the change to get a coffee," she knows me so very well, because even if she hadn't written this, its exactly what I would have used the money on.
I had a hard time unpacking all my loot, because I was really enjoying having it spread out all across my floor. I just wanted to leave the kitchen aid it the box, all new and pretty.
Today I'm going to give it a whirl though. I think I'll bake some macaroons, I'll pass on the recipe if its a good one. Much love, because I'm just full of love these days now I have a kitchen aid. xxx