Everyone loves a tart. I'm not one, but I do love to eat one.
Cherry Tomato and caramelised onion tart
You will need:
- 5 onion
- olive oil
- 12 cherry tomatoes (yes cherry tomatoes....funny, it has my name in it. Have a good laugh, I've heard it all before.)
- thyme
- One egg
- two sheets of puff pastry.
What to do:
- First you want to set about caramelising your onions. This takes a while but is incredibly easy. Just slice them all up nice and thin. Chuck them in a fry pan with a good lug of olive oil (sorry about all the 'chuck' and 'lug', I've been watching too much Jamie Oliver) and just cook on a low heat. Onions have a lot of natural sugar in them so they will get sweet when they are cooked down. Just keep the heat low, and stir them a bit, for about an hour. You don't want to brown them, you just want to cook them down nicely. Some people add sugar, so add a pinch if you want but make sure you season them.
- Cut rectangles out of your puff pastry, and prick all over with a folk. Then take some extra pastry to make a border and sit it around the edges of your rectangle. Use a little bit of beaten up egg to stick it together if you like.
- So thats your tart. Now you just need to fill it. Carefully spoon some of that oniony goodness into the tart. Top with cherry tomatoes. Season. Sprinkle with thyme, and place on an oiled baking tray (or lined with grease proof paper.)
- Brush the pastry with beaten egg and bake at 180 for around half an hour or until golden and puffy.
- Its that easy. It looks impressive. Everyones happy
Yum!! These look so delicious - You're going to have to teach me how to make gluten free pastry!