What do you do when feeling a bit down? What I do is bake. Over the last few days I have been reading and curling up all day. I walk around the house, stretch, make tea, write, and think. Today however I decided that it was time for some action, no more feeling sorry for myself.
So I set my alarm bright and early and set out for the shops in the rain. I went in search of butter, milk, peaches and a rolling pin in my new town. I love walking the streets in the rain before everyone else has decided to wake up. There is more room to think without all the busy people around.
Today is 'pie day' I have decided. Which simply means, its time for me to pull myself out of my snail shell and do something productive. As I'm on holidays the only productive think I could think to do is bake a pie. The good ol' fashion kind, with a hand made crust, lots of butter, sugar and love.
As I bought a brand new rolling pin (i love buying rolling pins) I started thinking about the first time I ever bought one. I had recently moved in with my boyfriend and I was decorating a wedding cake.....for no reason really, I just wanted to practice my decorating skills (Suddenly this does strike me as a little odd....but what of it?) I walked into my favourite cooking shop and found the largest, most beautiful rolling pin in the store. It was so pretty in all its wooden goodness, and seemed perfect. I went over to the counter to pay for my item and the lady behind the counter with eyes sparkling asked if I was going home to beat my husband. "I'm not married........yet," I confessed, and we gave each other knowing looks. Oh the bliss of being in love! As I bought my new rolling pin today I realised two things: 1) I felt a bit sad my "not married yet" never came into realisation. We broke up, went our different ways, and every so often, this makes my blue. 2) Realistically that lady in the shop was right, I really should have gone home and beat up that idiot with my rolling pin.
This however is all in the past, water under the bridge and what not. Also, after that little rant, you will be happy to know, that I am not an angry boyfriend beater.......... Im actually just a very nice girl that likes to bake pies.
So today there will be a peach pie, I have invited anyone who is near by to drop in for a slice. I'm hoping to make a baking day once a week. I'd love to be in the habit of doing a big cook up and then declaring it open house to all my friends. Everyone could just come and go as they please, drink tea, taste some goodies, and be on their way. To me this sounds perfect, and the idea leaves me feeling very cheered.........and not at all like beating anyone with a rolling pin.
If all goes to plan, and its lovely I'll post the recipe
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