Ok so tonights subject is going to be a wee bit on the quirky side. I'm studying food hygiene at the moment, and we have been discussing the subject of the temperatures used to cook meat. Everyone has such different tastes and like there food cooked accordingly. Take stake for example. Some people who cant stand the sight of blood love there stakes cooked well done. I myself love mine medium rare. Then there are those brave people who like there meat cooked rare. You can take it to a whole other level of bloodiness however and order you stake 'blue.' This basically means that the meat is sealed on either side and not cooked at all in the centre. Realistically its just an uncooked piece of meat.
Some people love their meat cooked like this, but funnily enough not many restaurant serve blue stake. The reason why we cook 'high risk foods' (meat, fish, eggs, poultry) is because they are the easiest to get sick from as they contain the most bacteria. When cooked to a certain point though, most of the harmful bacteria dies, and we are able to consume the food. Considering preparation for blue stake involves next to no heating, many restaurants are afraid to sell it, just incase someone gets food poisoning.
I know this is abstract, but as I was learning about this, I couldn't help but think how it applies to life. For me the most beautiful moment in existence is when we can be raw with people. Its why we seek out meaningful relationships, so we can finally open up to someone. So we can show someone our deepest darkest secrets, and truly express how we feel.
This however is dangerous. One of the last people I opened up to recently looked me in the eye and said "wow, you sound really hurt by some of your past relationships. You don't need to be scared around me.....I'm not going to hurt you." I spilled my heart to this person......and that was the last time I saw them. I am not meaning to be bitter or cynical here. I'm just trying to express the dangers of being raw.
When we are young we are so open. We will tell anything to anyone. Quickly though we learn that this isn't the best way to live.......because it can hurt. When we open our heart to someone its a risk. Its like ordering a blue stake. You might get terribly sick from it. People have died from food poisoning.....and from broken hearts.
The thing is though. Its beautiful. There is nothing quite as amazing as when we open our hearts and say "this is me". There is nothing so satisfying. So I just want to encourage you. Be raw. Order a blue stake. Get hurt. Cry. Feel. Break. Live. Laugh. Weep. Smile. Sing. Dance. Let your heart beat. Because there is nothing worse than a dry old piece of meat.
Cherry, I love the way you connect cooking with emotions and life.
ReplyDeleteI am all for being 'blue steak' I've never really taken to beef jerky... ;)
Love Liz