Sunday, May 8, 2011

Disjointed thoughts on a Sunday day

I grew up the year I realised I had more to learn
I learnt to love when I realised you don't need it to be reciprocated
I learnt to look after myself as soon as I realised I it was ok to accept help from others

These are my revelations of the week as I have been pondering love, self love, growth, and chocolate cake. They are all very relevant subjects to my life at the moment (yes even the chocolate cake) as I take in the beauty that is my life and work out what to do with it. Its a slow but lovely process, as I pick my way through my head and my heart.

Today was my one and only day off that I got this week, and it was beautiful. Everything felt right. I put on a hat and gloves and had time just to be a lady, and wander though the winter weather with all the leaves blowing around me and sit in a cafe. Its times like these I know why I moved to Melbourne. I occasionally just get these moments of bliss where I think "yes, yes this is right."

I love having a day off after having worked so hard all week. Its like I can finally justify it to myself. I can stay in bed until ten and know that I deserve it. I can eat cake before dinner (its Sunday and all rules are out.) I can drink wine before dark. I can wear Chanel without an occasion, and I can just chill out.

Today a friend and I gave Donna Hay's four layered chocolate cake a go. It was so beautiful just to drink some wine, do some baking and really talk. Not enough real talking goes on in life, and I love it when you get raw moments when you can actually express what is going on in your life and how you have been feeling. The cake was really tasty but not quite as high as it should have been. I don't want to blaspheme, but I don't think donna hay has actually given the right recipe for the picture in the book. Her icing is much darker, and richer looking and I suspect it is a gnash not a cream cheese icing....but I'll forgive her this once.

I hope you all had a lovely Sunday. I'm off to school tomorrow to learn how to cook lambs brains.....yes you read correctly. Part of my wants to be all mature about it and be like "Well of course we are cooking lamb brains, its basic traditional cookery", but the other past of me wants to squeal like a girl and through them at the other students. Wish me luck!

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