Before you go jumping to conclusions and presuming that somewhere in amongst my busy life I have managed to fit in a secret love with one of the usual suspects (actor/writer/chef/singer/wine maker/director/some ridiculous creative type) I'll set the record straight. I have not been going through a break up. I have however left a job, which I had very high hopes for.
Being the person I am, and seeing things the way I do, I treated leaving a job in the same way I often treat parting of ways with a significant other (to me food, cooking and romance are all the same so its hard for me to distinguish between any of them.)
I may have shed a few tears, I may have drank one too many glass' of wine, and I may have hashed over the details repetitively with my friends and family. Lets be honest, the whole experience shook me so much that I couldn't stand to bake a single cake, or even look at a Donna Hay magazine. I was too heart broken.
Like any good heart break, your life becomes shaken up enough to take a good look at who you are and where you are going. After three years of working pretty nonstop at culinary school, and a five star hotel, I realised that I was pretty tired. I also realised that if I kept working so much I would start to loose my love of food. Too many chefs work themselves into the ground, only to forget why they are actually in this industry. I totally had one of those huge 'Wow maybe I've got this all wrong" moments, where I realised that life is speeding past me very very quickly, and unless I start doing the things I want, and taking time to enjoy it, very soon I will miss these moments. Don't get me wrong, Im not saying in any way that I don't love being a chef, I'm just saying I think I love being a person more.
So here is what I plan on doing. First of all I have taken a job at a really cute little cafe right down the road from my house, which means no more 4am starts and 12 hour days without a break. Next I have taken a very long nap (actually I napped for a good part of a week), and now it is time to extend all this loveliness to you, my readers. I want to take some time to actually make some food I love (simply because I love it)
and share it with you. I want to tell you about all the glorious things going on in my kitchen, be it a lovely bottle of wine I'm drinking, some flowers I've planted in my back yard, a wonderful tattoo I got on my ankle (yes mum I got another tattoo), how wonderful my friends are, all the dinner parties Im planning on hosting, and just how damn good it is to be alive. So if you're up for all this, then so am I! Welcome to my rebranded blog. Welcome to my rebranded new little life. Welcome to nonstop wonderfulness.
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