The moral of the story is.......I had the grumps today. Work placement always puts me a little on edge. You have to get up before the sun, and bake recipes you have never made before....and hope hope hope you don't make a mistake. It can be a tiny bit
So my plan of action is this:
- Never ever ever stand in that kitchen with my hands in my pockets!
- Drink a huge bowl full of tea.
- Go and pick up my box of organic vegetables that are being delivered today! (We are very excited!)
- Strop having the grumps!
- And share a Lovely recipe with you!
Over the weekend I tried out this recipe of lemonade slice. Its from a blog called 'Smitten Kitchen.' The recipe is a bit like a lemon slice.......but with raspberries in it for an extra little kick. I meant to make it to take to a girls night I had on......but it all got eaten at my house at an impromptu dinner party. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
Lemonade Slice
For the bace:
50g of caster sugar
1/4 tsp of lemon zest
1/8 tsp of salt
115g of butter
125g plain flour
- Cream together the butter, sugar, salt and lemon zest until light in colour.
- Add the flour, and stir together until a dough forms.
- Oil and line a square baking tin, and press the dough with your fingertips into the tin. Don't worry if it isn't completely one will know! Bake this crust in a preheated oven at 180 for 15 to 20 minutes of until lightly golden.
- Take out oven and let cool.
Lemonade Filling:
140g of raspberries
2 large eggs 150g of sugar
1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice
40g of plain flour
- In a food processor blitz the raspberries until they are all mashed. Then pass them through a sieve to remove any seeds (You will need 3 tbs of this in total.)
- Beat together the eggs and sugar until the sugar dissolves.
- Add lemon juice.
- Add raspberry puree.
- Mix in flour (mine went a little lumpy from the flour so I passed it through the sieve again.)6.
- Pour the mix on top of the bace you made earlier and bake in a preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes until shouldn't have too much wobble when you take it out.
- Let cool in the tin for several hours and then slice!
- Eat it all at a little dinner party you weren't planning on having. Drink too much wine. Gosh dance on the table!
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