Friday, July 6, 2012

Back To Melbourne Town

I have been so naughty with not keeping up with my blog over the last two weeks! I really cant stand to type on any computer that isn't my tiny little mac, and life has been a wee bit hectic. I am finally back in my little Melbourne apartment, and back to 'normal' life. It always feels so strange coming home to Melbourne......sometimes I am so excited, and other times I feel so sad. It was hard to leave this time. Sometimes I'm not so sure what I am doing so far away from my family and the sunshine........but when I think back over the last week and everything I got done, it helps me remember why I'm here.

Speaking of everything I got done!! I have now officially catered my first wedding. Such bliss! Such madness. Catering a wedding is a huge huge job......but when you combine it with catering your sisters engagement party its all becomes a little insane. Luckily I was staying at my best friends house who constantly fed me coffee and wine the whole time. I had so many mornings waking up before six (or even before five) blurry eyed, and exhausted stumbling into the kitchen to make an espresso and start on a batch of cakes. Between the two parties I  must have hand rolled over 150 tart shells, made over 10 batches of cakes, 2 wedding cakes, 8 batches of butter creams..........and what feels like 1000 other things.

The craziest thing of all this is the fact that I actually got through it all. The day after the wedding (which was the day before the second party) I called up my ex so exhausted I could hardly focus my eyes on anything. "I'm about to say something you have never heard me utter before," I told him , "But I think I have taken on a wee bit too much." These few words are something he has been expecting to hear from me for years, as he has always been the one trying to convince me to slow down. This is the boy that told me not to study two courses at once in case I got run down, the boy that warned me against  launching a cafe opening in Noosa when I had an immune system virus, the boy that told me doing 14 hour shifts would be too hard on me...........however I did all these things regardless. So this was his big chance, his chance to be right. AND WHAT DID HE DO??? Tell me to get on with it, and I'd be fine, and of course I was......I just made another espresso and popped the next batch of cakes in the oven.

Despite being exhausted for five days, and drinking excessive amounts of red wine and coffee.........I had such a good time. I felt so very much in my element. The few days I had to rest at home with my family just encouraged me to get back to Melbourne and keep chipping away at doing what I love. It was also amazing to be part of the start of two beautiful relationships (a wedding and an engagement.)

Every time I go home I feel I get a little of my inspiration back again. I'm not sure if its just getting some vitamin B from the sunshine, or its all the amazingly creative things going on there. The sunshine coast is so packed full of amazing people doing some amazingly creative things. There are so many quirky cafes, patisseries and artists just doing what they love. (I'm also going to be a bit of a bitch and note that there can also be way too many bogans as well.) It makes me want to keep doing what I love, and doing it well.

Its nice to be home in Melbourne, in my little life that I have made for myself. Its nice to be walking distance from the coffee shop. Its nice to have my computer. Its nice to be near the city. Its nice to see my friends and its nice to curl up in my quirky little apartment. Be expecting lots of blog posts and cakes coming up soon.......I'm super inspired, and want to share it with you.

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