One of my favourite movies of all time is 'Stranger than Fiction'. Its ridiculous how much of my life I have based upon this movie. Incase you haven't seen it, here's the general gist (or at least the part that I think is the most important.) The main character is this stuffy accountant who spends his whole life counting things. He gets up in the morning counts the minutes he has to get to work, counts his brush strokes when he cleans his teeth, courts the steps it takes him to get to work. He does things exactly the same, every day. He lives alone, hates his job, but continues life like this.......until one day he meets this amazing beautiful woman. She owns a small cafe which she opened after dropping out of laws school. Her whole philosophy in life is to bake cakes to make people happy. Of course they fall in love, she helps him not be so boring, and everything ends well.
The moral of the story is......I fell in love with the idea of this girl when I was 17, and decided thats who I wanted to be. Goodness I even got into law but turned it down in favour of a gap year and then pastry school . I too wanted to bake and make the world a better place with a cookie or a cake. Is this idealistic? Yes! yes it is, because we live in a consumeristic world, and society seems to pay way too little attention to these small beautiful things in life.......I'm getting off topic.
I have always wanted to be this girl. Its silly, I don't care. Today however I felt like the wrong character in that movie. I got up early. Make my breakfast. Left the house in the dark (and rain.) Went to a job (I'm doing work experience as a waitress......I'm pretty mad about this....don't get me started. WORK EXPERIENCE AS A WAITRESS WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY ARE MAKING ME DO THAT......sorry I got started) that I don't enjoy. Stayed in one room for 7 hours folding napkins and polishing forks. Wore an awful uniform. Had people call me 'sweety' in what only could be a demeaning manner (gosh I shaved my head......whats it take to scare people these days??). Ate lunch in a staff room. Watched the clock and left.
By the time I got home I was too tired to bake. I was too tired for anything (5 am starts are mean.) I drank a glass of wine, ate some soup, and watched mindless tv. This is all I had left in me. I was the wrong character all day!!!! No one respected me. No one wanted some of my freshly baked cookies. I was just the cute new girl (as I was reminded about 10 times.)
I wish I wish I wish I came home and defeated all this awfulness by baking cookies, by being some domestic goddess, by having 'spunk' and what not, by being radical, by breaking out of the corporate world, and not just being the sweet little girl they expect me to be..........
But instead I totally came home and cried.
Corporate life is not the life for me. No way, no how, even as a 'corporate waitress' whatever that is. BUT IT WONT BEAT ME! Well actually today, it totally will, I'm too tired to be brave or anything like that.
Tomorrow however I'm totally going to overcome it.......somehow. Even if its just baking some cookies after work, because that will me, and hopefully the rest of the world just that little bit
The moral of the story is......I fell in love with the idea of this girl when I was 17, and decided thats who I wanted to be. Goodness I even got into law but turned it down in favour of a gap year and then pastry school . I too wanted to bake and make the world a better place with a cookie or a cake. Is this idealistic? Yes! yes it is, because we live in a consumeristic world, and society seems to pay way too little attention to these small beautiful things in life.......I'm getting off topic.
I have always wanted to be this girl. Its silly, I don't care. Today however I felt like the wrong character in that movie. I got up early. Make my breakfast. Left the house in the dark (and rain.) Went to a job (I'm doing work experience as a waitress......I'm pretty mad about this....don't get me started. WORK EXPERIENCE AS A WAITRESS WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY ARE MAKING ME DO THAT......sorry I got started) that I don't enjoy. Stayed in one room for 7 hours folding napkins and polishing forks. Wore an awful uniform. Had people call me 'sweety' in what only could be a demeaning manner (gosh I shaved my head......whats it take to scare people these days??). Ate lunch in a staff room. Watched the clock and left.
By the time I got home I was too tired to bake. I was too tired for anything (5 am starts are mean.) I drank a glass of wine, ate some soup, and watched mindless tv. This is all I had left in me. I was the wrong character all day!!!! No one respected me. No one wanted some of my freshly baked cookies. I was just the cute new girl (as I was reminded about 10 times.)
I wish I wish I wish I came home and defeated all this awfulness by baking cookies, by being some domestic goddess, by having 'spunk' and what not, by being radical, by breaking out of the corporate world, and not just being the sweet little girl they expect me to be..........
But instead I totally came home and cried.
Corporate life is not the life for me. No way, no how, even as a 'corporate waitress' whatever that is. BUT IT WONT BEAT ME! Well actually today, it totally will, I'm too tired to be brave or anything like that.
Tomorrow however I'm totally going to overcome it.......somehow. Even if its just baking some cookies after work, because that will me, and hopefully the rest of the world just that little bit
hahahaha how can you be a 'corporate waitress'?? Is there such thing? I'm sorry you hate your work experience so much. That sucks. It will be over before you know it. And just by finishing you have beaten it. Because you would have had the strength to do something you hate to get to something you love. Be proud of that xx