Its finally the weekend, and I am one wrecked waif of a girl. My one day off today was so cherished. I had so many plans of all the wonderful things I was planning on doing, but in the end I slept most of it. Halfway through coffee with a friend I found my eyelids drooping (mind you not because she was boring at all, just because I was tired) so I went home and tucked myself up in bed.
Life is so busy at the moment, and people asking questions like "how are you doing it all?" and "aren't you a little worn out?" So this my friends is my secret...........I Cherry, am a little bit of a workaholic. Not so much too the point that I have to go to meetings, and talk about it (Im sure there is W.A. for people who work too hard, just like A.A. for people who drink too much.) I do get a giddy thrill though, from looking at my calendar and seeing every day full. On friday when I got into school this week I looked in the mirror to find the girl wearing chefs whites looking back at me from the mirror had huge dark circles under her eyes..................I looked at this and smiled! Yes I smiled. "Im getting there" I thought. But getting where? Heading towards a mental breakdown? Yay, go me! This was a small wakeup call.
Apart from all the tiredness though, I'm still really enjoying Melbourne. This city is so amazing, and pastry school is very inspiring. I feel like all sorts of creative projects are going to flow forth from this time in my life. Its nice to be learning all the basics, and getting a good foundation to build upon.
Every day I start my morning with coffee and end it with wine. Its probably not the best routine for my health, but there is something very soothing about it. They are my little treats I look forward to, and are keeping me sane. On top of that I've been surprised to find how supported I've felt lately. Lots of friends have popped out of the woodworks and really been amazing. People I didn't expect to help out so much, have proved to be amazing friends. So I never really get the chance to feel very alone in this big city.
For the last few nights I have been much too tired to cook anything special. This is what I have been putting together to get me by. It surprisingly delicious, as all simple food is. I hope you enjoy it.
Lazy ladys Pasta
You will need:
- Pasta (as much as you like, and any sort you like. I love fresh pasta but its a bit on the expensive side for this little student, so I've been settling for organic spaghetti.)
- Olive oil (just a dash)
- One garlic clove
- 4 button mushrooms
- Splash of red wine
- 5 cherry tomatoes cut in half
- Half a cup of pasta sauce (choose an organic one with lots of herbs.)
- Salt and pepper
What to do:
- Boil your water and cook your pasta
- In a fry pan heat your oil, and add your diced garlic.
- Add mushrooms, fry till they are a little bit brown on the outside
- Add Cherry tomatos.
- Deglaze with wine (yes I said deglaze....because i go to to pastry school, and I'm cool, and I know what that means. Sorry about that. What I'm really trying to say is...........add the wine and cook it for a few minutes. This helps incorporate all the flavours that have stuck to the pan.)
- Add pasta sauce. Season
- Add the cooked pasta to the pan. Stir it round so it all gets coated nicely.
- Plate it up. Add some cheese if you like. Eat it with a nice red wine.
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