In honour of starting a new term, I decided to get a new hair style. But on a more important note, I also decided to get a new attitude. There is no hiding the fact that I have been particularly moody of late. Not in the "Don't talk to me" kind of way, but more in the "How can I go on?" sort of dramatic funk. I have been whinging and sobbing all over the place about being 'burnt out' and 'in need of a rest' after spending the whole day baking and having long lunches with friends.
It got me to thinking......What is actually wearing me out? About a month ago I had a brief stint of dating an Italian. During this time, I became terribly pretentious and everything became "charming" and "lovely". I no longer drank latte's, I drank Caffe lattes. I no longer ate normal breakfasts, I always had pastries. I wore Chanel everyday, and all my outfits matched. The point of all this is 1)At times I can be such a fool. 2)Never ever date the waiter that works next door to your work and 3) Sometimes a bit of pretentiousness is ok.
Now I'm not suggesting we all go around faking french accents and kissing each other on both cheeks (this is just awkward.) But I am saying......sometimes life can feel really really hard, and when there is no magic at all, its ok to make some. For goodness sake through some glitter in the air and call it fairy dust if its going to make you happy. Its just time to cheer up.
This is my first stint at being alone and single in a new town in a very long time, and it can be hard. Melbourne city can be a hard one to get your head around. Its big and vast, and huge and scary at times. Some days I wake up and I just don't know if I can stand another day tramping around the city in heels, and pretending that I've got it all together. And you know what I do on these days? I paste my biggest "I took home a male model last night" smug smile (sigh...... even if its so very far from true and I spent the night curled up in bed alone with a book) and I pretend the city is mine.
So in all this ramble what I'm trying to say is, do what you want with your life, but please please, do it with a smile and make it magical. Thats my mission for next term.
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