Last night I stayed in. This is not unusual for me as I really do love to stay at home after dark. But for a change I had plans to go out. I was even excited to go out. I got dressed up. Put on makeup, did my hair and was just about to walk out the door when this voice in my head said "where do you think your going out?" I was surprised by this as obviously I was going out for a few drinks with friends. The voice coughed and said "Really Cherry? with that soar throat? and remember how run down you have been feeling." "Its just a few drinks!!" I replied in my most winey voice possible....we both knew that wasn't true though. As I weighed up the plusses of going out (see my friend, meet some new people, might meet a cute boy!) against the plusses of staying home (bed!!!) I suddenly realised how tired I still am. I sighed, gave into the voice, took a shower and got back into bed with a slice of pear and raspberry cake.
Ok ok, before you get worried I have not turned schizophrenic over night. I have however recently gained a new respect for my limits, as I have learnt that both my body and I have to work together as a team for the next 70 years or so. I must say though, I do resent this. I am envious of the people who have limitless energy and don't have to take nights in to rest, when they would rather be going out.
One of my friends who is also both working and studying full time asked me recently "How are girls like us meant to meet boys? We are so dedicated to having a career that we spend every waking hour at work or school. And then when we get a spare moment off peace the last think we want to do is go out. We put all our energy into a career that we will never meet a man. No boy is going to come knocking on your door looking for us, and we don't have time to find them." This I fear is a real modern day girls problem. Lately a few of my friends have teased me for my 'inconvenient love life' , in that ever boy I have dated recently either works near me or is best friends with a friend, and when things go wrong I still have to see them all the time. Yes yes I'm not stupid I understand it was a bad choice (or choices), but when am I meant to have time to meet anyone else? I don't pick these dates because I know its going to make my life really uncomfortable in a months time, its because they are the only once's I get to meet.
I have rambled on much much too much about dating....and forgotten that this is indeed a food blog. I haven't cooked anything yet today (unless you include a chocolate and raspberry sandwich) and I've just realised that i'm running late for a lunch date with a girl friend. So please send in some recipes. Preferably easter once, but whatever you think is good too.
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