Im not quite sure what happened to this year. It feels like just the other day that I was sitting on a balcony with one of my best friends drinking champagne and welcoming in 2012. This year, like most years of my life has been so full of interesting changes and constant growth. I feel like the person I started the year as is so very different from the girl I am ending the year as.
This year I catered my first wedding, perfected my tart making skill, threw some lovely dinner parties and of course fell in love a couple of times.
One of my clearest memories of this year was sitting in a bar with one of my best friends despairing, and saying "I'm just working so hard. All I do is work, and get no where. All I do is go to work, practice recipes, and read cook books with no promise of actually getting any work once I finnish my course." I wanted to cry with frustration. Then three months later I found myself getting a wonderful job, starting my cookie business and somehow fitting into my favourite skinny jeans. Everything just fell into place, suddenly.
This year I did all the beautiful things I set out to do (apart from remembering to attend yoga classes) and I feel I became the person I wanted to be. This however was not without working the hardest I have ever had to work in my life.
If I learnt anything this year it would be that you can always do the things you want with your life, if you don't mind a little hard work, and if you have the right friends to back you.
So here's a little recap of my favourite parts of this year. Hope you're year was beautiful too. x
I know, I know its been soooo very long since I wrote last. I really don't want to spend another blog post telling everyone how busy life is for this tiny pastry chef.....but goodness, its been crazy. I think its coming up to nearly two weeks since I've had a day off. I'm actually not sure how I'm doing it at the moment, but can I just say, I'm kind of loving it. Yes Im tired, and yes I do want to sleep in past 5 am so badly, but at the same time I feel like everything in my life is falling into place.
It never quite happens how you expect it does it? I've spent so much time pushing at life these past few years, and now finally its like life is saying "ok ok if you are going to be so persistent, you can have all those things you wanted," and I kind of feel like I do. Despite the fact that my new job is insanely stressful at times I have so many moments where I'm just like "Your really going to pay me to bake cakes all day? Really?" Its so very beautiful.
Lovely things just keep happening in my life. I feel so ready for this new year thats so quickly approaching. I feel so joyful for this new life that is approaching.
I have some really lovely Christmas recipes to share with you...and I really cant wait. I hope your lead up to Christmas is lovely and without stress.
I'm not going to lie......I have been crazy nervous about starting my new job. This however isn't a surprise. I get nervous about a lot of things. On my first date my hands shook so hard I was worried that this blond, long haired, beautiful boy would think I was crazy. I lost countless hours of sleep over the wedding I catered this year. When I launched my first range of cookies I was terrified that no one would buy them.
The strange thing is though, Im no scaredy cat. I just doubt the things I can do at times, and don't we all?
My dad called me this week and told me a story about a small girl named Cherry who cried on her first day of school. Apparently she was too scared to go because she couldn't read. He had to explain to her that thats what you do at school......learn to read.
Sometimes I get so ahead of myself. It can be hard to go fearlessly into the world holding our gentle and sometimes scared hearts in our chest. This however is exactly what we must do.
So this is what I have been doing.....and my first day at my new job was kind of lovely.
Also, my new range of Christmas sugar cookies is in store. I had such fun making them. I'm starting to get excited about Christmas cooking, and crafts.
So if I can give you any advice for the week it would be:
- Be brave.
- Eat some cookies
- Listen to the song 'candles' by daughter (I would not be exaggerating to say I listen to this everyday on repeat about 20 times.....sooooo soulful!)
- Have some faith in yourself.