I have spent the better part of this year trying to heal myself from what appeared to be my largest heart break. I have done every imaginable thing possible to speed up the journey, but unfortunately things like this just take their time. I have gone out, got drunk, taken a lover (or a few), run a lot, danced a lot, worked a lot, cried a lot, and thrown myself wholeheartedly into my study. I have worked so very very hard this year (honestly who in their right mind takes on two full time courses and a part time job?) and now I am finally having a rest. So after all this exhausting running around, and getting lost and caught up and found again, I have discovered...I am actually quite happy.
I have cut down on my work load at culinary school and settled into a routine of working part time and studying two days a week. I have all this free time to think and explore again. For the first time in months I have picked up my paint brushes again and started to paint.
All my ideas and dreams are coming back to me. All the things I have been pushing out of my head for so long, in fear of actually FEELING anything. It's wonderful. It has taken me a whole year of heartbreak to realise...I'm really happy, and I love who I am.
So I have decided that while life is so beautiful and simple for a while (and I know this calm won't last forever) to just embrace it. I'm giving myself a little holiday from stressing. I think I'll just enjoy being a part-time student/chef/writer/artist/cupcake seller. I'll spend my free time drawing, and cooking, reading and looking for inspiration. I'll take a muse (someone stunningly beautiful) and enjoy the rest of the year of being 21. I won't worry about money because I have none to worry about and I'm going to enjoy all my lovely friends.
A crazy lady once told me...everyone can survive off kisses and lentils...and I think she was right.
In case your in the market for beauty on a budget, this is what I have been living off.
Chinese Spice Dahl
You will need:
- 1/4 pumpkin
- Half a red onion
- 2 tablespoons of sweet chilli sauce
- 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
- 2 cloves of crushed garlic
- 1 tsp of Chinese five spice
- 1 tsp each of tumeric, coriander, and cardamon
- half a cup of red lentils
- 2 stock cubes
- 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
- A wee bit of love
What to do:
- Dice your onion and garlic, sweat it in a pot with some olive oil
- Cut the pumpkin in to small cubes. Add to the pot and cook on low until it starts to soften. You will need to stir is quite a bit so it doesn't stick
- Add the spices and tomato paste, stir
- Add the lentils, enough water to cover and throw in the rest of the ingredients
- Keep stirring on a low heat and adding more water when it is absorbed.
- From here on in there is really no technique, you just stir and adjust the seasoning to your liking. Add more spice if it needs it.
- It will be ready when the lentils and pumpkin are soft.
It's super yummy and kind of a nice twist on the normal Indian dahl. Enjoy